Best Fire Tube Boiler For Sale in 2022

2022 / Aug / Wed

A fire tube boiler is a type of water boiler that uses a series of tubes to transfer heat from the combustion chamber to water. In contrast, water tube boilers use a series of pipes with water running through them. Fire tube boilers were once popular for residential and industrial use, but today they are most commonly used in power plants and large factories.

fire tube boiler


Which is fire tube boiler?

Vertical fire tube boiler

It's called a fire tube boiler because hot gases from the burning fuel travel through the tubes.

  • The heat source used in the boiler is usually steam, which is created by boiling water with high pressure.

  • The fire tube boiler has a furnace containing many tubes that are filled with water and steam.

  • During operation, these tubes are heated by flames from the burning fuel and provide an avenue for high-temperature gases to pass into them where they can be used to generate steam within each tube.


What is a fire tube boiler used for?

Fire tube boiler application

A fire tube boiler is a type of boiler used for generating steam, and is the second most commonly used type after the water-tube boiler. They were invented by Sir William Siemens in 1866, who patented his "hydraulic" fire tube design.

Mainly these boilers are used for:

  • Steam generation - Power generation - Process heating/cooling - Process steam generation (in chemical plants) - Process water generation (in chemical plants) - Condensate regeneration from distillation columns

fire tube boiler components


What are the two types of fire tube boiler?

Types of fire tube boiler

There are two types of fire tube boiler: a water tube boiler, and a fire tube boiler. Both can generate steam to drive turbines, but there are significant differences between the two. The most important difference is that water tubes have more surface area exposed to heat than fire tubes do—so they're generally more efficient at converting heat into mechanical energy, which means they need less fuel to produce steam. Water impurities can build up in this area, reducing efficiency over time; however, you can clean out your system periodically with chemicals like calcium chloride or magnesium chloride in order to keep it working at its best.

Another major difference between these boilers is size—a water tube boiler takes up much less space than a fire tube version does (which makes it ideal for large power plants). However, this comes at a cost: because of its lower surface area per unit volume and greater overall mass due to all those pipes sticking out everywhere like antennae on some kind of alien hive mind being built inside your house by aliens who want us all dead so they can harvest our souls into their machines so they'll be able to live forever), it won't work as efficiently as an equivalently sized firetube model would.

What is the difference between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler?

Fire tube vs water tube boiler

Water-tube boilers are more efficient, compact and energy efficient than fire tube boilers. The efficiency of water-tube boilers is up to 30% higher than that of fire tube boilers. Water-tube boilers have a large heat transfer area per unit volume which results in greater efficiency than fire tube boiler.

Water-tube boilers also have better thermal shock resistance compared to fire tubes as they are made from materials with better thermal conductivity. This makes them less susceptible to failure under high temperature conditions when exposed to sudden changes in ambient temperatures or sudden changes in process steam pressure/temperature/flowrate etc., unlike their counterparts whose material properties change with increasing temperature thereby leading to mechanical failures at high temperatures。

fire tube boiler prices


What are the parts of fire tube boiler and its functions?

Fire tube boiler components

The fire tube boiler is an efficient form of steam production that has been in use for well over a century. It consists of a closed watertight container (the shell) made from steel or cast iron, which contains the working fluid (water).

Inside the shell are two types of boilers: water tubes and smoke tubes. The water tubes are thin pipes that pass through both sides of the vessel and carry steam to other parts of a steam engine or similar device; they also serve as insulators to keep heat inside their hot end while keeping cold air out at their cool end. Smoke tubes are thin pipes that pass only through one side of the vessel: they carry exhaust gases away from combustion chambers within engines or boilers by moving them through to an exhaust stack where they can be released into open air.

How much does it cost to replace a fire tube boiler?

Fire tube boiler prices

The cost of replacing a fire tube boiler depends on the size of the boiler. The larger the capacity, the more expensive it will be to replace. The materials used for making fire tube boilers also affect its price. For example, if you want to install an electric-fired boiler in place of your old steam-powered system, then you can expect to pay less than $10,000 for it.

If you are looking for a high quality replacement that is designed with fewer moving parts and less maintenance requirements compared to conventional systems, then look no further than our state-of-the art line of products! We offer unmatched performance at competitive prices while still meeting every application requirement from residential use all the way up through commercial applications like power generation facilities operated 24 hours per day 7 days per week throughout North America without fail year after year without fail decade after decade without fail century after century without fail millennium after millennium without fail millennia after millennia without fail eons after eons after eons after eons.

fire tube boiler for sale



With the right information, a fire tube boiler can be a great choice for any home or business. It's affordable, efficient and reliable. If you're looking to replace your current heating system with something new, it's worth considering this option before making another investment in something that may not be as good at keeping your building warm through the winter months (or hot during summer). If you want to know more about fire tube boiler, please contact us: +0086 186-2391-5479.